Ultimate Leanness Program


The Ultimate Leanness Program contains The Ultimate Diet 2.0, UD2 Addendum, Stubborn Fat Solution and Stubborn Fat Solution Patch 1.1, giving you all the tools you need to achieve and maintain extreme leanness.  These programs are ONLY for men at 15% body fat or below and women at 24% body fat or below who want to reach very low BF% levels.

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About The Ultimate Leanness Package

For already lean individuals, 15% bodyfat or lower for men and 24% or lower for women, reaching ultimate leanness (6-8% for men and 10-12% for women) can be a challenge.

The dieter may face any number of issues that dieters at a higher bodyfat never encounter.    Performance may decrease and the risk of muscle loss increases, especially in men.  For reasons discussed in  The Women’s Book Volume 1, women are at much less risk for muscle loss.

The spectre of stubborn bodyfat starts to rear its head at this level as well.  For men, stubborn fat includes the lower abdominal and low-back area.  For women, the hips and thighs are invariably the most stubborn area.  Stubborn areas differ physiologically from other area of fat in the body, often significantly.  This can make reaching ultimate leanness quiet difficult.

Over the years, many solutions to this problem have been offered.  Many were ineffective or laughably incorrect.  This is especially the case for approaches targeting women’s lower body fat.  But all of the problems associated with reaching ultimate leanness can be addressed with good science.

The Ultimate Leanness Program does this, combining four books into one complete package that will allow the lean dieter to reach the level of leanness that they desire while avoiding the problems that can derail the best of dieting efforts.

What is in The Ultimate Leanness Package?

Over the years I have written multiple books addressing the problems the lean dieter faces when seeking ultimate leanness.  Each book examines the topic from a slightly different direction although there is some overlap.

The Ultimate Diet 2.0

The Ultimate Diet 2.0 is one of my earlier books, adapted from the original Ultimate Diet by Dan Duchaine and Michael Zumpano.  It examines the issues that tend to limit fat loss and increase muscle loss as dieters get extremely lean.

This leads into an integrated 7-day program of diet, training and supplementation (some drug options are discussed).  Although I had not developed them in detail yet, the book includes some of the stubborn fat solution approaches described in that book.

The Ultimate Diet 2.0 has allowed lean dieters, both women and men, to lose stubborn fat without losing muscle or performance.  Some have even gained small amounts of muscle as they reached extreme levels of leanness.

Complimenting The Ultimate Diet 2.0 is The Ultimate Diet 2.0 Addendum, written several years after the original book.    It includes a 2-week break-in period for the diet along with information on what to do between diet blocks.

I also describe maintenance after the diet along with expanding on using the diet for powerlifting or Olympic lifting.  The book also includes a 14-day UD2 cycle, previously mentioned but never detailed.    There is also a FAQ to address all of the questions I have received over the years.

The Stubborn Fat Solution

Adding to the general information in UD,  The Stubborn Fat Solution addresses the problem of Stubborn Fat in detail.  In it, I examine topics ranging from the physiology of fat in general to the specifics of why stubborn fat is stubborn. The book details specific nutrition, supplement and four different exercise protocols to target stubborn fat.

Complimenting The Stubborn Fat Solution is the SFS Patch 1.1. This booklet expands on a hormone (atrial natriuretic peptide or ANP) that I only mentioned in the original book.   There simply wasn’t enough information to do much with it.

Years later that information was available the impact of ANP on stubborn fat, beige/brown fat and appetite were understood.  The book provides multiple drug-based solutions to manipulate ANP for maximal results. Even readers who have no intention of going that route will learn some physiological trivia from the book.

With those 4 books, lean dieters can reach their desired levels of ultimate leanness while avoiding all of the problems inherent to the process..

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