The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook


The Rapid Fat Loss handbook provides a scientific approach to rapid weight and fat loss.Β  It is designed to provide optimal nutrient intake in the fewest calories possible.Β  This generates fat losses of 4-7lbs (2-3.5 kg) and weight losses of 10-20 lbs (5-9kg) in as little as 2 weeks.

It can be used to get into shape rapidly for special occasions, to kick-start a more moderate diet, or by those individuals (usually athletes) who want to take fat off fast so that they can return to normal training sooner.Β  Β  The book also shows how to move into a more moderate fat loss diet or maintenance when the diet is over.

This book package includes the Extreme Rapid Fat Loss Handbook, a 4 day diet approach for even FASTER fat loss.

(30 customer reviews)
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About The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook

Knowing that some dieters want or need to lose fat rapidly, I developedΒ The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook program.Β  My goal was to create a scientifically based diet to allow rapid fat loss safely and effectively.

I had several goals in developing the program.Β  The first was to create a diet that would provide the fewest calories possible. At the same time, it needed to provide all of the essential nutrients so that health would not be compromised.Β  Finally, I wanted it based around whole foods to reteach good eating habits.

After describing the goals of the program, the book lays out the diet in a step-by-step fashion.Β  To make the process even easier, you’ll gain access to an online calculator.Β  This will calculate your diet and provide food recommendations.

Every aspect about how to set up the diet is laid out in a step by step form and the diet is based around whole foods that can be found at any market. With purchase of the book, you’ll also receive instructions for how to access an online calculator that will set up the diet and provide food recommendations.

To incorporate flexible eating principles, the diet can include free meals, refeeds and full diet breaks.Β  Β These help with both adherence and to adaptations that occur to slow fat loss.Β  Β  These topics are discussed in more detail in my Guide to Flexible Dieting.

Importantly, the book provides guidelines for moving back to maintenance so that weight and fat will not be regained.Β  I also describe how to use the Rapid Fat Loss approach to move into a more moderate, longer-term diet.

Rapid Fat Loss Handbook Table of Contents

Exercise and The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook

Exercise is an important aspect of any properly set up fat loss diet. But most readers are surprised by how little is needed.Β  Or by the fact that too much can be detrimental to their results.Β  In fact, very overweight individuals may need no

The book provides specific training guidelines to ensure the best results with the smallest time investment.Β  Both beginners and more advanced trainees will find guidelines for aerobic and weight training.Β  Sample workouts are also provided.

Since not everybody can or wants to join a gym, I developed a basic home-exercise routine requiring no or minimal equipment.Β  This is included with every purchase.

Real World Results

I purchased Lyle McDonald’s Rapid Fat Loss Handbook in hopes of losing a few pounds quickly. The diet did not disappoint, in just 10 days I lost 7.8 lbs, going from 133 to 125 pounds!”

– Mary Ellen, South Carolina

“I’ve been lifting weights for 35 years, been in the medical field for 20 years, have been a critical care nurse for 12 years. I am well aware of the nutritional needs of humans, and nearly every theory of dieting ever advanced. I’ve done most every type of diet. I have never had such an easy time losing so much fat with so little muscle loss in such a short period of time (50 pounds in 2 1/2 months) as I have with Lyle’s PSMF.

In addition, and more importantly, after just one month on the diet, markers of health…blood pressure, resting heart rate, cholesterol, triglycerides, among others…all went from really REALLY horrid to just about perfect. Truly amazing.”

– David W Cohen, NV

Brown Belt Rapid Fat Loss Handbook Results

“I put a world class BJJ (brown belt) athlete on a modified RFL diet about 3 weeks before the Pan American games 30 March in Los Angeles. He’s my coach’s son. I synopsized the diet for him so it was easy-to-read, is all.

He called in a panic 3 weeks out because the Pan American games were approaching and he was still 4# over weight and hadn’t been able to lose it on his own. The guy was very lean already so it’s a tricky situation but he pulled it off. March 30th he won the gold medal in his weight class. He weighed in 1# below weight, he looked and felt great and fought like a freak.

Back to the kid, now his own BJJ coach (who also competes and also won gold 30 March in the Masters black belt division) sent word that in observing how well Zak performed on the diet and going on to win the Pan Ams that he wants to do it as well to drop a little weight for the upcoming BJJ World’s tournament the first week of June.

Attached is a photo when he won the finals. You can see the shape he’s in. He’s a BJJ phenom. He’s just beaten the guy who’s been an arch rival for years. Very tough match.”

Seven Weeks Rapid Fat Loss Results

“I am amazed at how this program worked for me. Knowing that a refeed/free meal was right around the corner gave me the willpower to be STRICT with the low calorie days. Unlike most programs that tell you how to lose weight, RFH also devotes several chapters about how to maintain your weight. The book is very concise and I couldn’t be happier about my results!”

J. Tsoi – Houston, Tx

“Your Rapid Fat Loss e-book really put me on the right course. I have gone from 305 to 279 in 74 days. Your no nonsense plan is extremely easy to follow and the best part is……. IT WORKS!!!!! Thank you for this fantastic information that WILL help me achieve the body of my dreams.”

Forever Grateful,

– Bill Evans in Seaford Delaware

“Looking for a fast and easy way to lose weight? There are plenty of so-called crash diets, but only one diet rooted in science and physiology allows you to do so safely without losing precious muscle mass and slowing down your metabolism – the Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF). In The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook, Lyle McDonald has distilled this method with decades of research behind it into practical guidelines, with easy-to-understand categories depending on your starting point in bodyfat, weight and fitness level.

You will learn how to set up the diet, implement free meals and refeeds to not only maintain metabolism but also make the diet easier to follow. Follow the guidelines in this book, where Lyle even provides you with free online resources on how to set up meal plans and an exercise program, and you will lose a lot of fat in a very short time while preserving muscle mass and strength.”

Borge (aka Blade) – Norway

Thank you so much for writing your book. I’ve done low carb dieting and intense exercise in the past and lost 42 pounds in 58 days only to gain it all back and more over the last two years. Like many others I took things to the extreme and could not maintain.

I completed banned all carbs, even some good ones. I started low carbing again about a week before I ordered your book online to lose excess water by banning carbs and I didn’t think to incorporate some really healthy high fiber carbs in portion controlled amounts into my prior weight loss as I do with my two free meals.

Thanks to your advice I have successfully lost 22 pounds in 2 weeks. My water retention, high blood pressure is down and my glucose is in balance. I feel great, I’m not hungry, the fish oil is amazing and this really doesn’t feel like a diet. The two regular meals on Sat and Tuesday with exercise a few times a week really help keep me on track. I make sensible choices and I don’t feel deprived. I feel this is a lifestyle I can enjoy permanently.

D. McGruder – Florida

“Muata over at suggested I send you an email. I found your RFL diet on his blog, and between his inspirational posts and your easy to follow diet, I’ve just completed an 8 week run of RFL starting as a 255 lb cat 3 and ending as a 224 cat 2.

I’m going to take a 2 week break, which actually falls at a great time with Memorial day, my birthday, and my daughter’s birthday, and resume as a cat 2 dieter. I just want to say thanks for developing this diet, and staying active with it with the blog and following the forums. Most diet author types might write the book, but then there is no more contact. You, on the other hand, are available and helpful. thanks.”

Scott C – Jupiter, Florida

Additional information

Weight N/A

E-book (Kindle+PDF), Softcover, Softcover + E-book (Kindle + PDF)

30 reviews for The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook

  1. Traci St. Claire

    I followed the protocol set forth in the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook in my 40s and got down to a size 2 from
    a size 8. I seriously had the body of a 20 something year old young woman! Combined with weight or resistance training, you CAN’T FAIL if you follow this program! It’s tough, takes discipline but totally worth it. I highly recommend this book to anyone that wants to really lower their body fat percentage!

  2. Kurt

    I started this diet in 2016 at 5’9 ~260 and 18 months later was was down to 145. It is now 2019 and I am purposefully only 10 lbs heavier.

    The moral of the story: Read the book and do exactly what it says. The diet isn’t easy but it works better than anything else I’ve ever tried.

  3. Sara

    I tried a few juice fasts that always left me driving through the drive thru… picked up this little ditty, and thought what the hell?!? I’ll try it!!! I lasted a week, I am one of those women who is only not hungry when I am eating!
    This book outlines when you can crash diet, what you should eat(high protein, juice fasts aren’t good,) and training, regress… everything. You will still be hungry , it will still suck, buying the book is just the first step… take it! Embrace the suck, this is a detailed plan to β€˜crash diet.’

  4. Rachel

    My husband and I both have used Lyle’s RFL plan. Combined we lost over 60 pounds. Easy to follow and adhere to.

  5. Gabriel

    Great book and does exactly what it says it does. Lose fat quickly; not the healthy or sustainable way, but you will drop 10-15lbs in 2 weeks including water weight.

  6. Rita

    I have used it on myself, my husband and clientes. The best way to lose body fat fast.
    Very simple reading, straight forward information.
    Highly recomend it!

  7. Stephanie

    Short enough, easy to read & understand although the diet itself is brutal. Effective nonetheless but challenging & not for everyone. I had great results. I like that supplements were discussed to avoid deficiencies.

  8. Madcoweater

    This book does exactly what the title says. I’ve been using it since it was published.
    The fat comes off easily and the hard earned muscle stays.

  9. Jackson Thomas

    The best guide out there to lose fat as fastly and effectively as possible while minimizing muscle loss. Highly recommended. If you follow the diet as written, you Will not be disappointed with your results in the least.

  10. Julia

    An excellent book. RFL is an effective (but rather brutal) protocol for anyone looking to drop some body fat fast. Unlike many other authors out there, Lyle offers clear explanations of why he has set up the protocol the way he has. Lyle’s recommendations are clearly rooted in science. He offers good documentation for those who enjoy perusing original source material. Furthermore, unlike many authors, Lyle consistently refines his recommendations as new science emerges.

  11. Luke

    I have run this diet twice now and had fantastic results each time. Lyle lays out all the details you need to do it properly and safely, if you follow his guidelines you will see success. It is critical to read this book if you want to attempt a PSMF type diet.

  12. Eric

    I have in the past competed in bodybuilding shows and found myself a couple of times with too much bodyfat and not enough time to lose it all before my competition date. This book’s guidelines have always served as my go-to resource for how to kick-off the longer prep with no muscle or performance loss in the gym. I still to this day use the RFL to kick-off most of my diets simply because I hate dieting (who doesn’t?) and would rather a less pleasant diet for a shorter time, than a more flexible diet for a longer time.

  13. Stephen Kendall

    Well written book on how to lose fat fast without losing muscle.

    Explained all aspects very well. I have done the protocol and although not easy it is effective.

  14. Daniel

    5/5 metabolic rats.

  15. Summer Williams

    The book is easy to understand. The diet is explained very well. The diet SUCKS, but it works.

  16. Scott Habermehl

    All of your books are must have’s in my opinion.

  17. Brett

    Every person wants a short cut to losing fat. We all want to do it as quickly as we can. There are all kinds of crazy programs that promise you the easy, painless fix. RFL is the program that actually works, but you quickly find out that while simple, it’s neither easy nor painless. In typical Lyle Mcdonald, no BS fashion, the book teaches you why the diet works, how to utilize the diet, how to maintain the diet and how transition off the diet with minimal rebound fat gain. It’s not an easy plan, but if you want the quickest fix there is no better plan.

  18. Nicole Marie

    Best. Diet. Ever.

    I use RFL/PSMF to get to my leanest possible self while losing minimal lean mass. It’s fast and easy – at least from a planning/eating standpoint – hunger be damned, but all the lean protein helps keep you as satisfied as possible at such a low calorie consumption.

    Well-written, concise, and easy to read and understand. Will refer back to it for years to come.

  19. Stephanie J.

    Good book

  20. Shelly S

    Effective diet. It’s no fun to do, but Lyle has made a great step-by-step manual anyone can figure out. Really appreciate the work you did putting it together, Lyle!

  21. Brian Di

    A lot of what is written in this book is common sense for weight loss. High protein from real foods, low fat, low carb…veggies. To truly follow the protocol in this book it is pretty challenging as it is highly restrictive. However it is a very effective method to shed bodyfat quickly while maintaining the maximum amount of lean body mass. I have been unable to follow this diet as written due to my own mediocre willpower…HOWEVER…with the advice in this book I still went from an obese 40ish% bodyfat to approx 25% in a relatively short period of time by incorporating the basic ideas in the book. I am not a bodybuilder, but the the strength of this book/diet is that it is geared to all types of people…athletic and non-athletic. An essential read even if you do not need to lose weight “rapidly.”

  22. Marek

    The pivotal book for rapid fat reduction!
    100% would recommend!

  23. Marek

    This is the ultimate guide to fast fat loss.

  24. Mark Patnaude

    Hey you prick ya I Loved the book , great result – lost the last 10lbs I was stalled with . Now Why the fuck you delete me from your FB page ? πŸ–•πŸ–•

  25. Julia

    I highly recommend this fat loss diet! In 4 weeks, with fairly limited adherence to the diet, I have lost 4 pounds. The concepts are extensively laid out so you understand why you should be doing what you are doing. Ultimately I had a two-page summary of what to do and then calorie-counted my way through these 4 weeks (badly). I moved houses in the middle, so actually only kind-of followed the diet 3 weeks and still lost 4 pounds. Will stick to it (mostly) for the next two weeks, take a week break and get back to it. I will probably lose 3 more pounds in the next two weeks, having figured out more what I am doing.

  26. diedon mustafa

    The diet works. I have been on it for 1 week so far and lost 3.5kg without exercise. Next up, I will do a 6 week run. Thank you Lyle

  27. Keith

    After reviewing this and the UD2, I appreciate the research – and the snark. I will be starting up RFL tomorrow – and will follow up in about 12 weeks.

  28. Aaron

    A very well written and short book that gives you precisely what you need to maximize fat loss while sparring muscle, and explains why and how the diet works.

  29. susan jacups

    great diet- easy to read instructions-
    i really struggle to follow it for the full 12 days before a re-feed. but on work days I can do it fairly easily.
    NB: i find it hard to get supps as I live in Australia. Most are not available here- only off the shelf fat burners, which tend to be mostly caffiene. Be good it Lyle could research some alternatives that are more readily available to international readers πŸ™‚

  30. Woof woof

    Old book, better stuff out there from fitness pros (Alan Aragon, Brad Schoenfeld) who actually do their own research and lift.

    Author faded into obscurity so I wouldn’t trust what they say these days. Might as well jiggle a magic 8ball lol.

    PS: I know you won’t post this negative review. Worth a try though :). Love youuuu <3. Hope you're able to move on from Mike someday.

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